Black Box

The Black Box is the quintessential container for storing facts—recording past histories – above all, keeping information safe.

Every living organism could be said to carry within itself its own black box, which records and retains past records and experiences without revealing any information about its internal workings.

Rather than being a tightly sealed, impermeable container, it exists as a slatted, open-ended vessel that allows for eons of experience and knowledge to flow in and out freely.

Project Year
43 x 60 x 41 in.
"6901 Black Metal" Krion
Project Status
Detail of Black Box, Image by Kyle Juron
Studio assistant Colin Johnson polishing Black Box
Our black boxes are constantly acquiring and moving information in subtle rhythms of perception. The details in our inherent black boxes hold useful particulars that can be accessed at any time or place; information not only reserved for emergencies or break-downs of highly sophisticated mechanisms but information useful in providing solutions and shedding light on age-old quandaries.

Even the new world of A.I. has its black box systems and claims the mind will be exhaustively understood once we know which inputs yield which outputs.
These boxes, modeled on
cheap, wooden crates but made laboriously by hand of deep black Krion, glow like exquisite jewelry and speak to the importance and uniqueness of the contents they hold.